My little one is 18 months old today - boy, the time has flown by. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were reading "Baby on the Way" with her big sister and anxiously awaiting her arrival. Things are fun and hectic around here; the girls play together now (with quite a bit of refereeing by me) and it makes my heart skip a beat when I see them sharing a toy, reading a book together, or making each other laugh at the dinner table. Who knew adding one more kid could quadruple the love in the house? :)
I went out to document this (sort of) momentous occasion last weekend and it was HOT. The girls were (mostly) good sports and I was able to get some cute shots. Check them out and thanks for indulging a mama showing off her girls.
This was such a fun shoot. A friend of mine from way, way, back (I think we went to Kindergarten together!) asked me to photograph her precious girl to celebrate her first birthday. Baby K was absolutely adorable and a real ham. We had Mom singing funny songs, Daddy making faces, Grandma waving snacks, Great Aunt blowing bubbles, and some very curious peacocks - it was a family affair! Here are some of my favorite shots from yesterday:
I am a stay at home mom, former Elementary school teacher, and a photographer. I love to photograph children and their families doing what they do best - being themselves! My goal is to capture those little moments in time that add up to great memories that will be cherished for a lifetime . . . and beyond.